St Boniface RC Primary School

One who does good


Students at St Boniface currently take part in swimming lessons at Tooting Leisure Centre, in Years 3&4.  The lessons traditionally start in September and run on a weekly basis, every Thursday morning in their class groups.

Details and payment via Parentmail.

As well as being an important life skill, swimming is also part of the National P.E. Curriculum. The expectation, therefore, is that all children who are at school will attend their swimming lessons.  If you feel your child is too unwell to swim, please send a note that the Office can forward to their class Teacher.  Children should wear their P.E. kit to school on Thursdays, with their swimming kit under their P.E. kit. Please ensure underwear is provided for post-lesson changing.

As a reminder, your child should bring the following:
- bag;
- swimming costume;
- swimming hat;
- goggles;
- underwear; and
- towel.
All items should be labelled clearly with your child’s name.
Please ensure long hair is tied back with a hairband and that hooped earrings are removed.
