School Houses and Sports Day
Current house points (as at 7.2.2025):
Jerusalem 1060- Nazareth 393- Bethlehem 1178
- Cana 304
St Boniface have four Houses that the children are divided into for incentive points and Sporting events. Our House ethos runs strongly through the school, with a focus not only achievement but also participation, teamwork and resilience.
The children earn incentive points in class every day for good work and behaviour and the winning house at the end of the year are treated to a special afternoon (movie and snacks in the hall). Merit points are also give to individuals and team sporting activities, with achievements celebrated in whole school assembly
Each house has a captain in Year 6 who visits the classrooms on a weekly basis to take the tally of their house points and the totals are displayed in the Hall.
The other main event where the children compete as part of their is our annual Sports day that is held in Summer at the Tooting Bec Athletics track.
Our 2024-2025 Year 6 house captains
Jerusalem (Yellow), Cana (Blue), Bethlehem(Red), and Nazareth (Green)