St Boniface RC Primary School

One who does good

Breakfast and ASP (wrap around care)

St Boniface is proud to offer extended day provision from 7.45 am - 6pm.

This is comprised of our Breakfast Club (before school) and ASP, After School Provision (3.15-6pm). Both clubs are delivered by our trained and very experienced school staff and take place on our school site.

Wynfrith Club EMERGENCY mobile phone : 0777 197 1050

Wraparound care policies and application form - updated July 24

The autolist folder BREAKFAST_AND_ASP_PROVISION does not exist or has been moved.

BREAKFAST PAYMENT:   The cost per day is £5.70 per child from 7.45am. – 8.50am.

Ad Hoc (One off days) are at a cost of £6.70 per child. Included in this price is breakfast. Children will be taken over to the school building at 8.50am by club staff. 

AFTER SCHOOL PROVISION (ASP) PAYMENT: The cost per day is £15.50 per child from 3.15 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Ad Hoc (One off days) are at a cost of £16.50 per child. Included in this price is a tea time snack (hot or cold). 

Tax free Childcare vouchers that the school currently accept include Fideliti, Edenred, Computershare, Enjoy Benefits, Sodexo, Co-Operative and the Government tax-free childcare vouchers.  We are happy to accept from other providers, our unique school code is 101042.

When you make a payment for your child, please email a copy of your receipt to the appropriate club supervisor (see below) and copy in

Wynfrith Club MOBILE PHONE : 0777 197 1050

Breakfast Manager:  Mrs M Barone (email for account queries)
ASP Managers:  Mrs S Corrigan ( and
Mrs S Hernandez (email for account queries)

Tax Free childcare vouchers

Withdrawing your child

One months written notice and payment must be given.  Please return the below form to the Office or directly to the Breakfast and After School club staff.

The autolist folder BREAKFAST_AND_ASP_PROVISION does not exist or has been moved.

Wynfrith - withdrawing your child, updated Feb 23

For more information please contact the school office at

