St Boniface RC Primary School

One who does good


St Boniface values the importance of music in children’s everyday lives.  Music is taught weekly and children from Year 1-6 receive specialist music teaching during the year. They learn the important musical skills of composition, singing, listening and appreciation.

Thank you parents for supporting our Enrichment lessons, through your voluntary donations to the Enrichment fund, ensuring specialist teachers for this subject.

Year 4 - all children learn a brass instrument for FREE.  

Year 5&6 - your child can continue group or individual brass lessons in school time.  See Wandsworth music for information on the fee paying lessons and hiring instruments.

Wandsworth Music

Cleaning your mouthpiece

How to play your instrument - Youtube videos

MP3 backing tracks:

Sheet Music for practice:

Our Enrichment fund donations ensure the children have specialist Brass teachers from Wandsworth music.
